school ^^
Friday, 17 June 2011 • 10:48 0
assalamualaikum , if you're a muslim , you better say wa'alaikumussalam , hehe
so many things happened when school starts ..
i was very shocked to hear ..
i'm the 24th person in the list ,
list of what ? exam results !
that was surprising , a bad surprise , never mind ,
although the 24TH PERSON OVER 37 , INSYA'ALLAH , i'll be better next time ^^
soooooooooooooo many works to do ,
oh ... when is the upcoming school holiday ? i'm so excited !
i know , my blog is boring isn't it ? if you fnd it's boring , go and read other blogs , i don't mind ^^
i don't know what to talk about , maybe i should talk about anime ?
yup ! maybe i should .
okey , this is an anime i really love to watch ,
it's amazing to me , for you i don't know .. hee
this is my most favourite character
his name is DINO , my friend here also like him , but she loves KOREA more (maybe)
mmm , can somebody suggest me what to write !
okey , till then , see you again !